Hazarbuz, who are pastoral nomads of eastern Afghanistan and form a section of the Pashtun. They lived their life as
nomadic, travelling from one place to another depending on time of season's. Their base land is Jalalabad (a province of Afghanistan
on the north-east)
Until the 1920s, the Hazarbuz lived principally as herders, concentrating on sheep (despite their name, which means “a
thousand goats”). Because their migration routes coincided with a major arm of the silk route, they became more involved
in transporting and then trading, typically bringing tea from Bukhara into Afghanistan. As they became more and more successful,
an increasing number of households gave up nomadism and settled in Kabul or Helband.
Following is a paper based book about Hazarbuz and their lif. It can be purchased from www.amazaon.com